Pacific Indemnity’s efficient and quality service comes from our focus on professional and related risk insurance policies. Our specialist insurance portfolio includes:
Directors & Officers

In a world of increasing regulatory and shareholder scrutiny, directors and officers are required to navigate a complex landscape of legal duties and obligations. Our bespoke D&O insurance products are an essential shield protecting company leaders against spurious claims and in moments of crisis.
This product is ideal for:
We have a broad-based appetite across commercial and financial risks. We are able to issue both primary and excess policies with side ABC and AB coverage. Our D&O appetite and offering includes:
- Standalone D&O cover
- Writing both primary and excess policies
- Commercial and financial risks
- Both side ABC and AB coverages
- Entity Employment Practice Liability as an optional extension under our primary D&O wording
- Policy limits up to $10m
- Our target market segment is for private, public unlisted, and publicly listed ASX201 companies and above
(We have some limited appetite for risks within the ASX200. Within the ASX100, preference for risks attaching above $50m AB and $100m for ABC and for the ASX101-200 for risks attaching above $10m AB and $50m ABC) - Capacity to write Side A DIC policies, along with reinstatement(s)
- The ability to write on broker or Pacific Indemnity excess D&O forms
Professional Indemnity

Persons and companies who provide advice or service of a specialised nature, whether for a fee or not, are required by law to provide that service or advice with due care and skill so as not to cause their client or a third party loss, damage or injury. If they do cause loss damage or injury then the aggrieved client or third party may make a claim to recover or be indemnified for that loss, damage or injury.
Professional indemnity insurance provides cover to pay any such claims on behalf of the insured. In addition, the insurance will provide cover for legal and other costs incurred in investigating and defending such claims*.
* Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. For full details, please review the relevant policy wording in conjunction with the policy schedule any relevant endorsements.
This product is ideal for:
- Accounting and Financial services professionals
- Health care service professionals and institutions
- Legal service professionals
- Real Estate and Property professionals
- Agricultural, Horticultural and veterinary Services professionals
- Education services professionals
- Insurance services professionals
- Architectural, Engineering and Surveying services professionals
- Information and computer technology professionals
- All other professional service professionals
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Click the ‘Professional Indemnity Portal’ button above to get a fast Professional Indemnity quote on over 400 Professions, and bind on-line for immediate policy documentation including a Certificate of Currency!
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Please either CONTACT US or email the following details to and we will arrange your access:
- Your full name
- Brokerage Name & branch (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Contact Phone number
Download relevant documents:
- Professional Indemnity Policy Wording (PIUS PI 0319) Rev 0823a
- Professional Indemnity and Broadform Liability (PIUS PIBLZ 0319) Rev 0823
- Professional Indemnity and Broadform Liability Wording (PIUS PIBLZ 0319) Rev 0823b - Effective 1st December 2024
- Professional Indemnity Summary of Cover
- Pacific Indemnity Professional Indemnity Proposal Form
- Accountants PI Proposal Addendum
- EPL Optional Extension Proposal Addendum
- Finance-Mortgage Brokers PI Proposal Addendum
- Financial Planners Insurance Proposal Form
- Insurance Brokers Professional Indemnity Proposal Form
- Management Consultants PI Proposal Addendum
- Owners Corporation Professional Indemnity Proposal Form
- Real Estate Agents PI Proposal Addendum
- Recruitment Consultants PI Proposal Addendum
- Travel Agents PI Proposal Addendum
- No Claims Declaration Form
Health Care Malpractice Cover

Health care practitioners and institutions have a legal duty to provide the health care services they offer with due care and skill so as not to cause their patient, damage or injury. If they do cause damage or injury then the aggrieved patient may make a claim to recover for that damage or injury.
Health Care malpractice insurance is a specialised professional indemnity policy that provides cover to pay any such claims on behalf of the insured. In addition, the insurance will provide cover for legal and other costs incurred in investigating and defending such claims*.
* Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. For full details, please review the relevant policy wording in conjunction with the policy schedule any relevant endorsements.
Download relevant documents:
- Healthcare Malpractice Liability Policy (PIUS MAL 0319) Rev 0823a
- Healthcare Malpractice and PL Policy (PIUS MALBLZ 0319) Rev 0823a
- Healthcare Malpractice and PL Policy (PIUS MALBLZ 0319) Rev 0823b - Effective 1st December 2024
- Healthcare Professionals Summary of Cover
- Healthcare & Medical Malpractice Insurance Proposal Form
- Nursing Homes Malpractice Proposal Addendum
- No Claims Declaration Form
Information & Communication Technology Combined Liability Cover

Persons and companies who provide specialist Information and Communication Technology advice or services are required by law to provide those services or advice with due care and skill so as not to cause their client or a third party loss, damage or injury. If they do cause loss damage or injury then the aggrieved client or third party may make a claim to recover or be indemnified for that loss, damage or injury.
Information and Communication Technology insurance is a specialised professional indemnity insurance policy that provides cover to pay any such claims on behalf of the insured. In addition, the insurance will provide cover for legal and other costs incurred in investigating and defending such claims*.
* Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. For full details, please review the relevant policy wording in conjunction with the policy schedule any relevant endorsements.
Download relevant documents:
- ICT Combined Liability Policy Wording (PIUS ICTZ 0319) Rev 0823a
- ICT Combined Liability Policy Wording (PIUS ICTZ 0319) Rev 0823b - Effective 1st December 2024
- ICT Combined Liability Policy Summary of Cover
- Information and Communication Technology Combined Liability Form
- Information and Communication Technology Proposal Addendum
- No Claims Declaration Form
Construction Professionals Professional Indemnity Cover

Construction Professionals and companies who provide professional services or advice are required by law to provide those services or advice with due care and skill so as not to cause their client or a third party loss, damage or injury. If they do cause loss damage or injury then the aggrieved client or third party may make a claim to recover or be indemnified for that loss, damage or injury.
We offer a specialist professional indemnity policy which is tailored for construction professionals such as architects, engineers and surveyors. This policy provides cover to pay any such claims on behalf of the insured. In addition, the insurance will provide cover for legal and other costs incurred in investigating and defending such claims*.
* Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. For full details, please review the relevant policy wording in conjunction with the policy schedule any relevant endorsements.
Download relevant documents:
- Construction Professionals PI Wording (PIUS CON 0319) Rev 0823a
- Construction Professionals Combined PI & Liability (PIUS CONBLZ 0319) Rev 0823a
- Construction Professionals Combined PI and Liability (PIUS CONBLZ 0319) Rev 0823b - Effective 1st December 2024
- Construction Professionals Summary of Cover
- Architects & Surveyors Proposal Form
- Pacific Indemnity Engineers Proposal Form 1120
- Large Engineers Proposal Form
- Design & Construct Proposal Form
- Geologists Professional Indemnity Proposal Addendum
- No Claims Declaration Form
Public & Products Liability

Apart from a professional duty of care, everyone has a general duty of care to others to conduct their affairs so as not to cause loss, damage or injury to others by what they do or fail to do. Claims arising from a breach of this general duty of care are covered under a public and products liability policy.
We have available our stand-alone Broadform Public & Products Liability policy for a vast number of businesses.
For professional service professionals who principally operate from an office environment we are able to offer a broadform public and products liability cover in conjunction with a professional indemnity policy.
This product is ideal for:
SME to Mid-Market Australian domiciled companies (ability to include US Exports)
- Agriculture including ancillary trades (Fruit, Vegetable, Crop Growing, Farming, Harvesting)
- Food & Beverage – Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail (Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Dry foods e.g. flour, pasta, spices, tea, coffee, Dairy, Beverages including alcohol, Processed/Ready foods, Bakeries including cakes/ pies/ biscuits, confectionery, Abattoirs / Meat Processing, Seafood Processing)
- Manufacturing, Wholesale, Retail (Furniture, Furnishing and Textiles, Clothing, Joinery, Printing, Machinery and Equipment, Fabricated Metal, Electrical Equipment)
- Restaurants including Franchise operation
- Hotel/motels including function centres
- Gig economy – web/platform-based business
- Transport & Logistics – small operation like vans/delivery (Logistics Services – non-hazardous / dangerous goods)
- Property Owners & Service Providers (Retail and Commercial Properties)
- Professional Risks
- Ability to offer PL combined with the PI at competitive premium
Are you a Partner Broker?
Click the ‘Portal login’ button above to get a fast Broadform Public & Products Liability quote, and bind on-line for immediate policy documentation including a Certificate of Currency!
Don’t have a Portal login?
Please either CONTACT US or email the following details to and we will arrange your access:
- Your full name
- Brokerage Name & branch (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Contact Phone number
Download relevant documents:
Construction Projects (D&C) Professional Indemnity Policy

Contractors undertaking large projects - including infrastructure projects - are often required to undertake the project under a design and construct contract. While the contractor may be responsible under the contract for the design, the design may in fact be undertaken by external professional engineering consultants on behalf of the contractor, or the contractor may have an internal design department or the design may have already been undertaken for the client and the contract requires that design contract to be 'novated' to the contractor.
Notwithstanding the method the contractor will inevitably be required to effect professional indemnity insurance for the design and to maintain that for the construction period and for a period following completion of the construction. Inevitably a multi-year specific project professional indemnity policy will be required.
Download relevant documents:
Multi-Media Liability

Communications & publication media now takes many new forms, beyond the traditional newspapers, books, magazines, radio & TV. Modern technology brings us publication risks from the internet and its derivative applications including digital broadcasting. These add significantly greater liability risk due predominantly to the significantly increased size of the audience. In addition the risk is increased due to the greater number of legal jurisdictions in which action can be commenced, as a result of the fact that defamation (and arguably intellectual Property breach) occurs where the publication is accessed - which, in the case of internet publication, can be anywhere in the world.
Replacing traditionally issued Defamation insurance policies, the Pacific Indemnity Multi-Media policy has been developed in the style of a Civil Liability Professional Indemnity policy - providing broad cover under the operative clause - including breach of professional duty (for the content of the publications), breach of confidentiality, breach of privacy, defamation and many other risks. In addition the policy offers automatic extensions including Withdrawal of Content and cover for Misleading and Deceptive Conduct Breaches (under the ASIC Act and the Competition and Consumer Act and the states Fair Trading Acts).